The 46th Cape Town Cycle Tour takes place on Sunday, 10 March 2024, and will once again channel proceeds into its two beneficiaries, the Pedal Power Association and the Rotary Club of Claremont. Giving back has been a cornerstone of the event since the very beginning. In the last five years, nearly R50-million has been redistributed across the Peninsula, not just through these two partners but also through the many Charity Groups that make up the doubly-festive middle groups on the day.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and CANSA and ILoveBoobies are two of the Cycle Tour’s regular Charity Groups who use the event for vital fundraising and awareness for their causes.
“2024 will be our 7th year as a recipient of the Cape Town Cycle Tour’s generosity.” Nicky Webb is a driving force behind ILoveBoobies and herself a regular presence at many of the country’s major cycling events, living her brand to the max. The organisation’s primary mission is to provide free breast examinations (screening and diagnosis) to South African women who are unable to access such medical services due to financial, locational, or social challenges. ILoveBoobies has a self-sustainable screening program that covers the costs of testing 100 women per month at a cost of R300 per test. The program is modular in nature and therefore scalable, and the Cycle Tour Charity Group is a big contributor. “The support and opportunity we receive from the Cape Town Cycle Tour has helped to screen more than 7 600 women since inception. We give out 20 000 helmet stickers at the Expo and our temporary tattoo activation is a firm favourite amongst the cyclists.”
“The Cycle Tour is our best supported event within the cycling community and a highlight of the year for ILoveBoobies. Join our PINK train and give your race a compelling ‘why’!” Find out all about ILoveBoobies and their ongoing early-detection drives, visit or to enter immediately!
CANSA is the other big-name cancer fighter using the Cape Town Cycle Tour in its quest to fight against the disease in South Africa. In existence since 1931, the vision of the Cancer Association of South Africa is to lead South Africa towards a cancer-free society. Leillani Geduld manages CANSA’s annual presence at the Cycle Tour. “We have participated as a charity at the Cape Town Cycle Tour for several years. This platform enables CANSA under the its Active sub-brand to promote an active, healthy lifestyle and educate people on how they can lower their cancer risk. We also have a fundraising opportunity via the GivenGain platform that sees individuals and groups signing up as fundraisers that helps CANSA to continue to provide CANSA Care and Support services to the communities that we serve. We also have charity entries available that riders can purchase in support of CANSA and helping us to achieve our vision of leading South Africa towards a cancer-free society.” Read more about the organisation and enter through their Charity Group at,
For more information on the Cape Town Cycle Tour, visit or follow on Facebook @cycletour , Instagram @ctcycletour or Twitter @CTCycleTour.